This is an excerpt from Christopher Paolini's new book Brisingr. Forgive me if it is a bit too graphic for you, it is only to make a point.
"The young man lifted the weapon so that it slanted toward the highest peak of Helgrind. Then he dropped to one knee and, with and incoherent cry, brought the blade down across his right wrist.
Blood sprayed the rocks behind the altar.
Eragon winced and averted his eyes, although he could not escape the youth's piercing screams. It was nothing Eragon had not seen in battle, but it seemed wrong to deliberately mutilate yourself when it was so easy to become disfigured in everyday life."
Why I Don't Train Animals
15 years ago
Is this what caused you to ask about deliberately mutilating ones self last night at youth group??
you did what?!
lol you need to come to youth group to get this and no one did anything to themselves...
thats not whats got me concerned.
I'm not sure if i like the idea of brady sharing what i do to his youth group is all....
Huh what do you do to the youth group???
I'm confused now......
dont worry about it.
lol ok......kinda creepy that you say that though
1. anonymous
2. i didn't say anyone
3. I didn't say why
k then.
no worries.
Brady what the heck are you talking about??
Sir Mocha- ok I won't worry...
ghost stories and candy first.
then sleep
Umm I'm confused again....really I am why would Brady be saying "Shhhh Sleep" its just randomly weird to me..
because he wants u to be in the dark.
i rarely do this but LOL
LOL but why does he want me do be in the dark should I be scared??
Brady- Why do you rarely do that??
well, we're praying for your friend brady, i hope she knows God loves her and she can always come to us or our wonderful pastors. :D
and sorry, i dont think i can go to CS this time bc my sis has a band competition on saturday and i gotta see it
sorry gl and have fun though!
well i cant comment on sir mochas blog, so ill say it here:
wow i really like ur blog! its so cool! how'd u do that! its UH-MAY-ZING! lol i love the design and colors and stuff yep yep :DDD
the song "you're gonna make it" by KJ-52 is a REALLY GOOD SONG! i suggest u guys listen to it...
...i have the album (the yearbook) if anyone wants to borrow it...
ok i know this is random, but does sir mocha know this one game that is canceled now but it was called VMK...just wondering...
Hmmm...well I went to to get it. Thats where I get my myspace layouts too. :) I wish i had all the programs to make a layout like that...but i dont... :(
Aaand...I havent heard of VMK....just curious...but why?
oooooh ok! thats cool! ya i dont have a myspace so i wouldnt know all that cool stuff to make the page look cool! well thanks for the link!!!
o and the vmk thing...nothing,i was just wondering if you knew what it was...its closed now so it doesnt matter...
thanks for responding!! :DD
No problem.
I spend all my time looking in this blog more than mine..
Yeah, its not stalkerish of me or
"There are many flowers in the field.
All are different.
A combination of multiple extravagant colors.
One stands out above the rest.
The only one covered in dew.
Dew slips off of the petals.
It looks like it's crying."
"My my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one's late. But I'll bet when it blooms it will be the most beautiful of all."
lol sir mocha! but its not like brady updates or even comments--for all we know he could be dead! ..but then again i saw him @ Bible study last monday, so i guess that theory is gone haha
and heather...that was really good! only if i knew what it meant..
thanx Rachael...that wuznt my sister i figured wuz her frend Christine
yu remember...the crying wun! lolzes!!! @%DDD
<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"
braaaaady needs to put a new blog up.
hehe! awesum smiley Sir Mocha!!! C8
now hez got a new blog! @@@D
<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"
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