Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sooooo Yeah

The other blog was filling up so I figured I'd put this one here so you can start a new comment chain.

Don't forget to comment on my other blog RandomStudios, BJ's already subscribed...where are you?


Sir Mocha said...

I subscribed!
*steals comment virginity*



B.J. said...

Well they're too cool to subscribe. Plus only the "geek" kids would subscribe to that blog. :D jk.

Kayzar said...

So your a geek BJ?

Katie said...

yes he is

jk :)

B.J. said...

Yes I'm a math geek! And proud of it.

And no need to say jk Katie.

Katie said...

ha. ok

Kayzar said...

Jk is overrated.

B.J. said...

Yea I guess it is...

Josiah said...

lol, why? j/k, im not serious. but for real, they are nonsence words that don't even mean what they say. lol means laugh out loud, which no one ever does if they say lol, they will say "that made me laugh out loud". and j/k means you aren't really kidding, you just take back the comment but still mean what you said :)

Kayzar said...

Thank you Josiah, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Katie said...

ya thats why i say ha. or haha instead of lol.. and oyur right about the jk thing ha.

Sir Mocha said...


I'm sorry. I couldnt help it...

B.J. said...

Haha. Nice sir mocha....

Kayzar said...


Sir Mocha said...

...i have a feeling Brady is going to break out with a bunch of LOLOLOLOLOLOLZ....
*gets out popcorn*

Kayzar said...


Sir Mocha said...


Kayzar said...

But I will pull a Master Cheif.
My ROFLcopter goes swooshswooshswooshswooshswoosh