Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hasta La Vista Baby Jesus


Sir Mocha said...

XD I've seen this somewhere before....

Sir Mocha said...

Question: if you were to become invisible for 24 hours, then how would you accomplish being noticed?
*pokes and prodes*

B.J. said...

Huh is that some inside joke or something moka de monsieur??

FYI thats french for "sir mocha" if you don't know...

Sir Mocha said...
Its more of a response to a response of a question thatwas deleted.


B.J. said...

Oh ok..

Sir Mocha said...

you dont get it do you?

Kayzar said...

bj never gets anything

B.J. said...

No I do get it but I don't know how to answer it other then maybe break something or yell at the person whos attention I'm trying to get.....

RachAEL said...

whos attention are u trying to get? what?...

Sir Mocha said...



Lady Mew said...

indeed? lol! grate werd Sir Mocha @DDD

sense wen does BJ break thingz??? ar yu going through wun of thoze anger phasez again BJ?

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"